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Exterior Home Improvements
Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

In order to preserve community quality, all exterior home improvements must first be approved by the Architectural Review Committee. All home improvements must be properly permitted, installed by a licensed professional, and are completed at the expense and liability of the homeowner.

Expanded Patio

Each unit came with 8ft x 8ft patio. Homeowner's may extend this to up to 16ft wide x 12ft deep. This extension is required to be permitted by City of Ocoee, no home in the community may have more than 70% of their lot impermeable.


River Rock instead of Mulch

Many homes prefer to have rock instead of mulch for landscaping as mulch can attract bugs and blow away in storms. At their own expense, home owners can remove their mulch and swap it for river rock that matches the existing rock found throughout the property.


Screened in Back Patio

Homeowner's can screen in their back patio to a 16ft wide by 9ft deep screened porch. They may also screen in their front entrance.


Screen in Front Patio

Homeowners can choose to screen in their front patio. It cannot extend past the existing walls of the front entrance.

Screen Patio.jpg

Privacy Fence Panels

Homeowner's can't fence in their entire yards, as the HOA takes care of all landscaping in the community, and landscapers need easy access, however homeowner's can extend their privacy fence panels up to 18ft (3 - 6ft panels). This must be installed by someone licensed to complete the work and cemented in to be safe during hurricanes.

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